With all the chocolate goodies the Easter Bunny is going to bring, your children’s teeth don’t need to suffer if you follow the right precautions:-
1 Ensure chocolate is kept to meal times By keeping the chocolate to mealtimes, means that the teeth can be cleaned after, preventing cavities which could be caused by sugar.
2 Give your child a glass of water after eating chocolate This will help to produce salvia in the mouth, which will help to rinse away any plaque and bacteria.
3 Monitor their intake Give them small pieces that won’t stay in their mouth for long periods.
4 Give them sugar free options If your worried about their teeth, there is different sugar free options you can give them instead of full sugar sweets and chocolates
5 Give them other foods to clean their teeth Eating crunchy fruits and vegetables such as carrots, apples and celery stimulates the production of saliva. This is beneficial for teeth, since saliva helps to protect the teeth from bacteria, by helping to break down and wash away chocolate that can become stuck in the teeth.