Here at R Dental Clinic we realize nobody enjoys having dental treatment. We put decay and gum disease prevention treatments and techniques at the top of the list in patient care. In providing the most up to date education and advice for our patients we encourage improved methods of self-care to achieve and maintain good oral health.
On entering the practice you will notice our oral health campaigns. We change the focus and displays every couple of months to cover all areas of oral health including
All our advice runs in accordance with the latest Evidence based Government Guidelines.
Children’s teeth
As soon as teeth erupt they need to be looked after. Bringing your child to the dentist from a very young age also allows them to get used to and feel at ease in the surgery environment. We offer advice on diet, brushing, toothpastes and general hints and tips on how to ensure your child has good oral health throughout their life.
We offer fluoride varnish application to all children over 3 years of age. The varnish contains a high concentration of fluoride. Your dentist may prescribe the application twice yearly or more frequently dependant on your child’s oral health. Your dentist will apply the varnish or he may suggest you come to one of the clinics run by Becky our Oral Health Educator and Fluoride nurse. During the clinic Becky offers a more in depth look at an individual’s diet, good brushing techniques, and suitable oral health products alongside applying the fluoride varnish.